+ What benefit is there in joining a golf club?

+ How do I prove that I am a registered golfer?

+ What is the benefit of holding a SRIXON card?

+ Do I need to apply for a new card each year?

+ What is composite membership?

+ Is it possible that you can pay the membership fees over a period of 5 months. say 200 rands per month

+ Good day . -1- do the green fees apply to members and non-members. -2- also, does the full membership option include Northern Gauteng affiliation and is the card fee for a SAGA member card? -3- If I was to play in a different province will I be regarded as affiliated? -4- Upon registration will I be registered for a 12 month period affective from that date? -5- Will my score on the course be allowed on the saga handicap system? Many thanks, Chris

+ am male aged 33 and have never played golf before. i have since however developed an interest in playing the sport. Who can i approach for assistance.....i.t.o lessons?

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